Don't wait for me to comment on Eat Pray Love

Don’t wait for me to comment on Eat Pray Love because I absolutely no interest in seeing it.  I am just not in the target audience for this film:  I haven’t read the book, I am not a woman and I don’t care for Julia Roberts.

I don’t hesitate to watch a movie in a genre that I generally don’t like if it seems like one of the year’s best or really good for the genre:  Inception (summer blockbuster), Zombieland (zombies), The Dark Knight and Iron Man (comic book). District 9 (sci fi) and (500) Days of Summer and Away We Go (rom com).

In this case, I have seen the trailer and read the reviews of Eat Pray Love.  Yesterday it had a Metacritic score of 50.  My guess is that the millions of people who enjoyed the book will also enjoy the movie.  God bless.

Speaking of chick flicks, Metacritic has a great new list up:  20 Worst Chick Flicks Since 1990.  (Amazingly, Kate Hudson stars only in one of these 20.)  I’ve already included it on my Other People’s Great Movie Lists.