How I devise my annual top ten list

Michael Caine and Harvey Keitel in YOUTH
Michael Caine and Harvey Keitel in YOUTH

How does a film get listed on my Best Movies of 2015?  Essentially, I look for two very personal reactions: 1) I am thrilled by the experience of watching the film (or feel another strong visceral reaction) and 2) I am still thinking about the movie for days afterward.

A few days ago I saw both Carol and Youth.  I found each of them to be exceptional films, and I enjoyed and admired them both.  But I was thrilled by Youth and am still thinking about it.  Youth made my top ten list.  Not so with Carol.

It hurts if I think of something else during the movie.  It helps to be original (Ex Machina, Wild Tales, Youth, Me and Earl and the Dying Girl). It helps to be authentic (Brooklyn, I’ll See You in My Dreams).   It really helps if I think that the movie is timeless and will stand up over time.

It helps if I would watch the movie again, but that’s not necessary.  One viewing of a challenging and uncomfortable film like The Look of Silence may be all that I can stomach.  On the other hand, I have a bunch of Guilty Pleasures that I can watch repeatedly without rating them as great films.

There’s no shame in missing my top ten list. I really enjoyed, and heartily recommend Carol, along with Legend, Meet the Patels, The Gift, Amy, Mr. Holmes, Sicario, Black Mass, Gemma Bovery, Spy and Seymour: An Introduction.  They’re just not on my list of the year’s best.


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